Triathlon. How to swim better
Mar 01
Technique:Swim/Run/Ice Climb swim, swim better, Terry Laughlin, triathlon 1 Comment
Advice from Total Immersion founder, Terry Laughlin. Terry’s presentation at USA Triathlon’s NW Regional Meeting in Boise focuses on perpetual motion freestyle for long distance swimmers.
part 1:
See also: part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8.
Also, on I found interesting things about:
– how to breath/exhale
-how to use your arms (catch and pull)
-how to use your legs (kicks)
– how to rotate (body roll) into the water.
In conclusion, I wish at some point in future to swim like this guy:
Mar 25, 2011 @ 22:07:22
Foarte tare!
Ma miram de ce inot atat de prost si de incet!
O sa incerc cat de curand, merci Cata!
PS: pagina ta arata excelent acum, dupa make-up 😉