Pose Running Technique
Apr 13
Technique:Swim/Run/Ice Climb kinetics, midfoot, pose method, running technique 3 Comments
The Pose Running Method will help you prevent the knee pain.
The movement of the legs results from use of muscle- and tendon elasticity, gravity and momentum/inertia.
Maybe a little off topic as the Pose Method does not apply to sprint, but is very interesting also to see Carl Lewis running in slow motion. It’s like listening to a symphony, as one said:
Source of article: http://www.posetech.com/library/dr-02-04-004.html, Pose running technique– a beginner’s guide.
Apr 14, 2011 @ 16:53:54
On the other hand 75% of elite runners land on their heels.
The above mentioned site also contains a large number of useful articles, which are based a real scientific information, not on a picture of a cheetah 🙂
At least my opinion is that there is no “right” way to run, it’s something which you are born with. This, and the fact that the human body has an “adaptive inteligence”, if you could call it like this. Basically you run in a different way barefoot or with a shoe, without thinking rationally about it.
Apr 14, 2011 @ 22:21:03
Radu, I agree there is no “right” way to run. For me as I am a amateur, I am looking for a technique that prevent the knee injuries. And till now, the expensive sport shoes with gel don’t solve my problem 100%.
This technique looks quite interesting. And by the way, it’s not only for bare foot running, If you watch and listen the first video, you will see they say it’s for economical running in Triathlon.
It’s not based on a picture of a cheetah neither 🙂 If you check the source of my article (http://www.posetech.com/library/dr-02-04-004.html), you will notice it’s from a book of Medicine&Science issued by the American College of Sports Medicine.
Apr 15, 2011 @ 15:04:56
I’m also not a bit fan of expensive sport shoes, usually the any running shoe seems to work better for me when all the cushioning it once had has disappeared. However the amount of cushioning needed and the form of the sole depends on the pronation of the runner.
Maybe I’ve exaggerated a bit with the picture of the cheetah, but somehow it doesn’t seem to be a correct analogy.
Also the original paper is based on a study done on a batch of recreational runners, and the main scope was collecting information about the forces exerted on the joints, which indeed seem to be smaller than in other running techniques, however this was also accompanied by a smaller average running speed. No information about the economy of running was gathered though in the original test though.
I am somehow reluctant about the “invention” of a better running technique, as running is a trait which is linked with the evolution of the human-species, and I think that nature has tuned us better and all the needed information is coded inside our genes. But I agree that running shoes with obscene amount of cushioning aren’t a good idea.